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Courtney Lewis

WM Digital Evangelism Training

Learning how to become a Digital Missionary Evangelist, praying through social media, and making disciples.

A happy woman on the phone

In January 2024, representatives from WM local churches gathered for a Digital Evangelism Training conducted by Michael Garkov, AWR digital evangelist and ASI Europe Treasurer, as part of the Reflecting Hope initiative. One session took place at Ystrad Mynach church for South Wales churches, while another was held at Telford church for Mid and North Wales churches.


At Ystrad Mynach church, Michael Garkov delivered a compelling message titled ''Why did you laugh?'' focusing on the faith and perseverance of Abraham and Sarah. He discussed the doubts they faced in the years they waited for God's promise of a son to be fulfilled (Genesis 18). Drawing parallels to today, he highlighted how the church may also face similar doubts as we eagerly anticipate the return of our Saviour, the Son of God. The speaker urged the church to “remember our identity” and stressed the importance of sharing our message with the world. Michael cautioned the church against becoming complacent or disheartened while awaiting Christ’s second coming.


As a church and as a people living in these end times, we have a unique role in the world, as revealed in the book of Revelation 12 and 14. This led members to reflect on their personal faith, commitment to sharing the gospel, and the distractions that may hinder their true mission. It prompted self-reflective questions such as: Where are we in our personal relationship with God? How strong is our faith? Are we losing our passion to share the good news and becoming desensitized? How much time shall we spend debating theological differences, politics, and worldly affairs instead of carrying out our true mission?


During the sermon, the whole congregation were fully immersed in the message and expressed enthusiasm to revive their passion to share Christ with others. They were also eager to learn about the tools that they could use as shared in the Digital Evangelism training session in the afternoon.

WM Digital Evangelists

There were members from Ystrad Mynach, Hereford, Cardiff Central, Cardiff North and Carmarthen churches in attendance, all excited to begin their journey as digital evangelists and further serve the Lord in His Great Commission.

Welsh Mission Digital Evangelism
South Wales Digital Evangelists, Michael Garkov (centre) @ Ystrad Mynach Church
Welsh Mission Digital Evangelism
Telford Digital Evangelists, Pr Adriana Fodor, Michael Garkov (center) @ Telford Church

The Digital Missionary Tool

The afternoon training session outlined the project’s aims for 2024/5 and introduced the Digital Missionary app. Michael explained how social media marketing could help connect with individuals in our local communities who require prayer support. They can send their prayer requests through the provided link in the prayer advertisement on social media (i.e. Facebook). These requests will then be received by the digital missionaries via the Digital Missionary app. He gave a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to use the app and guidance on connecting with those requiring support.

This collaborative effort proved to be a valuable team-building experience. Each attendee contributed their ideas and suggestions and worked together to identify and solve potential challenges that could arise. The main goal was “to live in a practical way using Christ’s method”. We all look forward to seeing our churches GROW and Reflect the Hope of Christ!

If you would like to become a Digital Missionary Evangelist please contact Pr Adriana Fodor at


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